The best shows
with the theme refugee
- Pagan PeakCyrill Boss, Philipp Stennert, 2019
- BetulotShachar Magen, Adam Sanderson, 2014
- Cargo 2021
- Don't Forget the Driver 2019
- The LostUlf Ryberg, 2022
- Keeping Up with the Khans 2016
- Dias Police: Police from Another Country 2016
- Asylum CityEitan Zur, Uzi Weil, Liad Shoham, 2018
- Europe in Chaos 2019
- EdenEdward Berger, Nele Mueller-Stöfen, Marianne Wendt, 2019
- Det finns inga smålänningar 1981
- BrothersJanic Heen, 2010
- HUMAN: The Turing TestAlexandre Miguel Silva, Pedro Vital, Rui Carvalho, 2017
- Um Sol MaiorTeixeira Filho, 1977
- Antônio MariaGeraldo Vietri, 1968