The best shows
with the theme fishing
- A nagy ho-ho-horgász 1984
- Deadliest Catch: On Deck 2013
- Buccaneers & Bones 2010
- Earth's Wildest Waters: The Big Fish 2015
- Spanish Fly 2008
- Thorn CastleTamas Fejer, 1967
- BattlefishMike Nichols, Craig Piligian, 2018
- River Monsters 2009
- Tsuritama 2012
- Slow Loop 2022
- Hugh's Fish Fight 2011
- Robson and Jim's Icelandic Fly-Fishing Adventure 2021
- Les pêcheursMartin Petit, 2013
- Speargun Hunter 2006
- Wicked Tuna: Outer Banks 2014
- Ice Holes 2014
- Alaska: Battle on the Bay 2015
- Deadliest Catch: Dungeon Cove 2016
- Deadliest CatchThom Beers, 2005
- Elles pêchent 2015
- Mortimer & Whitehouse: Gone Fishing 2018
- A Passion for Angling 1993
- Diary of Our Days at the Breakwater 2020
- Jakten på monsterkveita 2023
- Monster Carp 2016
- Fishing with John 1991
- Wicked Tuna 2012
- Pororo the Little PenguinChoi Jong-il, 2003
- Deadliest Catch: The Viking Returns 2022
- Hunters of the South Seas 2015