The best shows
with the theme european history
- The BorgiasNeil Jordan, 2011
- Hitler: The Rise of EvilJohn Ryan, Ed Gernon, Peter Sussman, 2003
- BorgiaTom Fontana, 2011
- Grand HotelRamón Campos, Gema R. Neira, 2011
- The CollectionOliver Goldstick, 2016
- Babylon BerlinTom Tykwer, Hendrik Handloegten, Achim von Borries, 2017
- Once Upon a Time… ManAlbert Barillé, 1978
- The King of WarsawŁukasz M. Maciejewski, Szczepan Twardoch, Jan P. Matuszyński, Leszek Bodzak, 2020
- Secrets of Great British Castles 2015
- The Habsburg Empire 2008
- NorsemenJon Iver Helgaker, Jonas Torgersen, 2016
- Private Lives of the Monarchs 2017
- Sensacje XX wiekuBogusław Wołoszański, 1983
- Vikings: ValhallaJeb Stuart, 2022
- Old Bridge SecretAurora Guerra, 2011
- Shadow LinesKatri Manninen, Kirsti Manninen, 2019
- Clash of Futures (1918-1939)Jan Peter, Gunnar Dedio, 2018
- Labyrinth of PeaceMichael Schaerer, Petra Biondina Volpe, 2020
- The Real War of Thrones 2017
- A History of AntisemitismLaurent Jaoui, Jonathan Hayoun, Judith Cohen Solal, 2022
- Mythos
- 14 de abril, la RepúblicaVirginia Yagüe, 2011
- Mrkomir the First 2021
- A History of the European Rural LifeStan Neumann, 2024