A pink, extraterrestrial fox named Pinkfong and his friend, Hogi (a green and beige hedgehog) are a duo called "Wonderstar". They help the people of Wonderville in each episode. At the end, the duo get a friendship badge. Wonderstar has cool abilities. Pinkfong has a star shaped necklace with magical powers while Hogi is very intelligent.
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- Colleen O'ShaughnesseyPinkfong/ Mango Bird
- Cassandra Lee MorrisHogi /Myan/ Jojo
- Kate HigginsCoco / Lila / Jordi
- Larissa GallagherTani
- Kyle McCarleyBarri / Frido / TurtleFinn/ Wondercar
- Lexi FontaineChumli / Shasha
- Mick WingertCodi / Pat
- Stephanie ShehPoki / Billi / Baker / Quacki
- Tara SandsJeni / Rachel
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