The film revolves around Amer, which is embodied by (Ahmad Rizk), a hesitant figure and doubts all around him even his wife, who fired three times within the events and affected by their only son Karim
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- Ahmed Rizqعامر
- Boussyميادة
- Hesham Ismailدكتور شوقي شوقي
- Bayoumi Fouadالشيخ جهاد
- Mahmoud Al Laithyشخصيته الحقيقية
- Hayatemإنشراح والدة ميادة
- Daleda Anstazeaدنيا
- Alaa Morsyدكتور سيمون بوليفار
- Tamer Shaltoutكامل
- Alla Kushnirراقصة
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