In a small town plunged into darkness, two children, Kyona and Adriel, are separated from their parents and, facing the path of exile alone, embark on a heroic journey that will take them from childhood to adolescence, in search of refuge, peace and the hope of finding their family.
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- Emilie Lan DürrKyona (voice)
- Florence MiailheOld Kyona (voice)
- Maxime GéminAdriel (voice)
- Arthur PereiraIskender (voice)
- Serge AvédikianJon (voice)
- Axel AuriantErdewan (voice)
- Jocelyne DesverchèreFlorabelle della Chiusa (voice)
- Marc BrunetMaxime della Chiusa (voice)
- Aline AfanoukoéMadame (voice)
- Polina BorisovaShaké (voice)
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