The story revolves around the conflict between the Al-Fayoumi and Al-Mursi families, after the murder of one of Al-Mursi's sons by one of Adham Al-Fayoumi's sons. Adham succeeds in escaping punishment for his son by forging the testimony of one witness and killing two others, while Amina, the lawyer and daughter of Adham Al-Fayoumi, objects to her father's devious approach aimed at distancing his son from responsibility for his crime. The Al-Mursi family takes revenge on Al-Fayoumi by targeting and killing Al-Fayoumi's son and kidnapping Amina's children.
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- Nadia Al Gendyأمينة الفيومي
- Abdallah Ghaithأدهم الفيومي
- Mahmoud Hemidaالمرسي نوفل
- Youssef Fawzyإبراهيم الفيومي
- Hassan Husseinعوض حفظي المحامي
- Waheed Ezzatمحمود
- Hend Akefألفت محمود
- Ezzat ElMashadد. عزمي
- Khalil Morsiحاتم - زوج أمينه
- Mustafa Kamalمحامى
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