"I Am Rohingya" is a chronicle of the journey made by 14 young refugees, who share their endeavouring experiences amidst the Myanmar internal genocide in the Burma region, with Rohingya muslisms being the target. Sharing their personal lives and showing the struggles in the adjusting process of starting a new life in Canada, the children will be tasked with depicting on stage the horror of real life events. It's upon these youth to share the stories of their people and be sure no one forgets about them.
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- Parvin AktarParvin Aktar
- Yasmin AkterYasmin Akter
- Jannatara Bergum
- Anamul HaqueAnamul Haque
- Faisal Mohammed
- Jaber Mohammed
- Rasel Mohammed
- Sohel Mohammed
- Nasima Parvin
- Mohammed Rafique
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