With the fifth offshoot of the "Ben 10" franchise, the animated series returns to its roots and its original name, bringing 10-year-old Benjamin "Ben" Tennyson, his cousin Gwen, and Grandpa Max back to life on a new summer vacation journey. As in the original, the stories in the remake of the series also spin around an alien wristwatch called "the Omnitrix," with the help of Ben can turn into ten different aliens, which come up with different supernatural powers. He fights enemy aliens and experiences with his grandfather and cousin the most exciting vacation imaginable.
Your Movie Library
- Tara StrongBen Tennyson
- Montse HernandezGwen Tennyson
- David KayeMax Tennyson
- Roger Craig SmithDiamondhead
- Josh KeatonXLR8
- John DiMaggioFour Arms
- Daryl SabaraHeatblast
- Travis WillinghamCannonbolt
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