Set in the Xinhai Revolution era, the story tells of Liu An Shun, a promising escort master in a reputable armed escort business owned by his teacher. He is poised to take over the business from his teacher and marry his daughter. However, his uncompromising follow-the-rules attitude leads him into a series of incidents that causes him to be disgraced.
To redeem himself, he moves to Beijing to establish an escort business branch and to prove himself worthy. While there, he faces other escort masters reluctant to accept his presence in their city and befriends a female bandit.
Your Movie Library
- Wallace HuoLiu An Shun
- Jia QingYan Meng Meng
- Li JianLi Xi Ping
- Liu YihanDai Rong
- Wang QingxiangDai Hai Chen
- Yu Yan-KaiDu Zai Shan
- Zhang Hao RanLiu Zhen Wu
- Chen MuyangMa Kui
- Zhou QiqiQin Ge Ge
- Dang HaoShan Mao
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