The story is set in a part-time high school in Shinjuku, Tokyo, where students of different ages and backgrounds, each with diverse circumstances, attend. Under the guidance of the mysterious science teacher Fujitake (Kubota Masataka), who was assigned to the school, they aim to present at an academic conference with an experiment to recreate a Mars crater in the classroom. However, many challenges, including personal obstacles, family troubles, and unbreakable relationships, stand in their way.
Your Movie Library
- Masataka KubotaFujitake Kanae
- Toranosuke KobayashiYanagida Taketo / "Gakkun"
- Aoi ItoNatori Kasumi
- Maria Theresa GowKoshikawa Angela
- Issey OgataNagamine Shozo
- Aoi NakamuraAizawa Tsutomu
- Tetsushi TanakaKiuchi Izumi
- Fumino KimuraSakuma Rio
- Ayaka KonnoShoji Mai
- Reiko TakashimaIshigami Rei
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