Dream is a 2009 South Korean television series that follows the lives of a sports agent and K-1 fighters. Starring Joo Jin-mo, Kim Bum and Son Dam-bi, it aired on SBS from July 27 to September 29, 2009 on Mondays and Tuesdays at 21:55 for 20 episodes.
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- Ju Jin-moNam Jae-il
- Ian Kim BeomLee Jang-seok
- Son Dam-biPark So-yeon
- Choi Yeo-jinJang Soo-jin
- Oh Dal-suLee Young-chul
- Lee Ki-youngPark Byung-sam
- Yoo Yeon-seokNoh Chul-joong
- Hong Ah-reumSong Yu-ri
- Hyun WooNarcissus
- Julien KangDavid
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