This drama is a love story between Kataoka Sakuya, a grim reaper who comes to the human world for the first time, and Mochizuki Nayuki, a woman who lost her father at a young age and has devoted her life to raising her only remaining family—her younger brother. As they meet, they gradually come to understand each other, and slowly, they begin to fall in love. However, a fate that will dramatically change their lives awaits them both…
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- Ryubi MiyaseSakuya Kataoka
- Karin OnoNayuki Mochizuki
- Ryosuke SotaIse Kazuma
- Yoji IwaseRiku Mochizuki
- Riku ShigaShota Hada
- Yagi HibikiAnna Yoshii
- Kodai FujimotoJunpei Hashimoto
- Meguri HirooTaichi Suzuki
- Kōji FurukawaShohei Mochizuki
- Kanro MoritaSosuke Kameyama
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