To the Stars!

    To the Stars!


    Boris Kostikov is an absolutely ordinary guy. An unfinished higher education, a junior manager position, a mortgage, a disgruntled wife, watching football on weekends - nothing sets him apart from millions of people on the planet. But one evening Boris's usual life changes, the secret services report that he was chosen to introduce our civilization to alien guests. What is it: a hoax or the truth? What do you need to do in the last week on earth? And what will he tell you about our universe? What is the meaning of life?

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      • Andrey NoskovБоря
      • Nina Usatovaмама Бориса
      • Yuriy Galtsevпапа Бориса
      • Andrey Zibrovмужчина в черном
      • Sofya Yurkoженщина в черном
      • Svetlana SchedrinaМарина
      • Natalya Kutasovaискусствовед
      • Andrey Sharkovантрополог
      • Aleksandr Tyutryumovначальник
      • Natalya Fateevaученая
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