A legal suspense drama featuring the unconventional lawyer Odagiri Wataru, who specializes in defending fraud victims. The story revolves around Wataru's choice to defend fraudsters for a specific reason, as he strives to win cases against the perpetrators who prey on the vulnerable in court, revealing his true motives along the way.
Your Movie Library
- Sota FukushiWataru Odagiri
- HyunriMadoka Wakamatsu
- Seishirou KatouKai Yakumo
- Mizuki YamashitaAmane Miki
- Ken MitsuishiKazuma Soga
- Saki TakaokaShoko Odagiri
- Masanobu KatsumuraHiroshi Odagiri
- Yuki FurukawaKosuke Aoyagi
- DendenMakoto Shinozaki
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