Zulu Comedy Galla is a Danish Comedy Award show shown on TV2 Zulu once a year. At the show the Comedian of the year and "Läkerols Talentpris" are awarded and three new comedians attempts to make it in to the comedy scene.
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- Nikolaj Lie KaasNikolaj Lie Kaas
- Peter Lund MadsenPeter Lund Madsen
- Lars HjortshøjLars Hjortshøj
- Andreas Bo PedersenAndreas Bo Pedersen
- Casper ChristensenCasper Christensen
- Ditte HansenDitte Hansen
- Tobias DybvadTobias Dybvad
- Martin BrygmannMartin Brygmann
- Jonatan SpangJonatan Spang
- Frank HvamFrank Hvam
Be the first to write about Zulu Comedy Galla 2011.