The Ocean Eyes

1 Season - 1 Episodes.
In Production.
    The Ocean Eyes


    When four young, idealistic marine biologists try to make their mark at a prestigious oceanographic institute, they discover that one of them possesses a secret power with the potential to change the world.

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    • Suppasit JongcheveevatNatee
    • Pakorn ThanasrivanitchaiSense
    • Marina Sadanun BalenciagaGrace
    • Morakot LiuKitty
    • Kittisak PatomburanaKuakool
    • Korranid LaosubinprasoetNicha
    • Sudarat ButrpromTukky
    • Numchok ThanatramJong
    • Maethanee BuranasiriNoi
    • Poom RungsrithananonOat
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