When pets in their neighborhood keep disappearing under mysterious circumstances, the rebellious Gabe, the strong-willed Olivia and the clever Jayden join forces to solve the mysterious case. The young amateur detectives soon track down two dim-witted crooks and their nasty boss. Can the cool trio put a stop to the mean pet thieves and save the kidnapped four-legged friends?
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- Gabriella Sophia TerreroOlivia Lanigan
- Peyton JacksonGabe Miller
- Joseph Y. LeeJayden Winfield
- Sean AstinJimmy the Butcher / Special Agent Brennan
- David FaustinoKyle Thornton
- Corin NemecJerry Thornton
- Naomi GrossmanPatricia Brown
- Maurice HallCarl Lanigan
- Betsy HumeMelissa Lanigan
- Jason VendryesPhil
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