The world's most beloved illusionist, armed with his team of oxymoron’s, embark on the freakiest, most adventurous paranormal investigation of all time. Terrorized at every turn by an unexplainable irregular patterns of mysterious paradox’s, this witch-hunting, ghost busting, creature questing supernatural spooftacular is the funniest footage ever found!
Your Movie Library
- Andrew PozzaDamon Dealer
- Liddy BisanzBlair Woods
- Donny BoazBrock Haas
- Devin BonnéeDoug the Camera Man
- Joey OglesbyPepper Shepared
- Brett HoustonEditor Brett
- Lizabeth WatersMitzy Para
- Philip MarlattTucker Thomas
- Conley Michelle WehnerEmily Sunflower
- Austin JamesIsaac Sunflower
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