The Invincible Heart

1 Season - 15 Episodes.
Production ended
    The Invincible Heart


    Set in the 1930s, the series is about the impossible love between a poor young man from the province, an unemployed law graduate and a talented singer, and the rich and sensitive heiress of a bank manager and owner.

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      • Ivan BosiljčićMiroslav Balšić
      • Sloboda MićalovićMilena Novaković
      • Ljubomir BulajićStaša Novaković
      • Danijela 'Nela' MihailovićJovanka Novaković
      • Predrag EjdusAleksa Novaković
      • Dragomir ČumićIlija
      • Marija KaranSlavka
      • Katarina ŽutićSobarica Katica
      • Bojana GrabovacVida
      • Milica KrčmarBankarska službenica 3


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