Riding High is a psychological thriller about a crime that has become common in today’s Rio de Janeiro. The film takes us into the most dramatic day in the life of Julia, a housewife who is kidnapped in her armored car by Case and Sapeca, two young men from Rio’s slums. What seems at first sight to be a conflict between rich and poor turns into a much more complex plot linking the characters’ past and present.
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- Cláudio GabrielCasé
- Sílvio GuindaneSapeca
- Mônica MartelliJulia
- Tarcísio FilhoRonaldo
- Raphael KindlovitsAntônio
- Bernardo de Mello BarretoAmigo de Antônio
- Kinho LimaPorteiro de Falcão
- Mouhamed HarfouchFalcão
- Dom JonatasDê
- KojakSegurança de Falcão
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