The story begins in 1993, a few months after a series of blasts in Mumbai that had shaken the whole country. A senior cop of Delhi police, Samarth Kaushik, gets involved in a mysterious revelation. A parallel investigation is taking place in Allahabad, over the killing of a customs officer a few months back. There are two common connections between all the cases, Bombay Blasts, and Kathmandu.
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- Anshumaan PushkarSunny Sharma / Om Prakash Sharma
- Vikram Singh SodhaTrilok Kumar
- Anuraag AroraShravan Mishra
- Aksha PardasanyShivani Bhatnagar
- Amit SialSamarth Kaushik
- Prashant NarayananWajid
- Harleen SethiTasneem
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