Bad Luck Banging or Loony Porn

    Bad Luck Banging or Loony Porn


    Emi, a school teacher, finds her career and reputation under threat after a personal sex tape is leaked on the Internet. Forced to meet the parents demanding her dismissal, Emi refuses to surrender to their pressure.

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    • Katia PascariuEmilia Cilibiu
    • Claudia IeremiaHeadmistress
    • Olimpia MălaiMrs. Lucia
    • Nicodim UngureanuLt. Gheorghescu
    • Alexandru PotoceanMarius Buzdrugovici
    • Andi VasluianuMr. Otopeanu
    • Oana Maria ZahariaBlonde Nudist Parent
    • Gabriel SpahiuPriest Parent
    • Florin PetrescuAxinte - A Parent
    • Ştefan SteelEugen Cilibiu


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