Baton is a collection of three 20-minute Sci-fi anime films dedicated to the 150th anniversary of the establishment of Yokohama city. On Planet Abel, human-like robot Apollo (Ichihara Hayato, Rookies) and robot-like human Mikaru (Ueto Aya, Azumi) come upon a stowaway robot with a mysterious "Cipher" chip. Not knowing Cipher's powers, Apollo takes the chip for fun, throwing both him and Mikaru headfirst into a mind-boggling mystery that affects the past, present, and future.
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- Hayato IchiharaApollo (voice)
- Aya UetoMikaru (voice)
- Kane KosugiSaturn (voice)
- Tatsuya FujiwaraCipher (voice)
- Takashi NaitoTomboy (voice)
- Hiroyuki WatanabeRobot Guard (voice)
- IZAMMysterious Man (voice)
- Kazushi SakurabaRobot Guard (voice)
- Kenji KohashiPassenger (voice)
- Masakatsu FunakiHades (voice)
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