Set in 1957, post-Windrush, and amidst the booming decade set alight by promise, the rhythm of rock and roll, swing, Hollywood starlets and fabulous fashion Three Little Birds will introduce Dudley and the rest of the world to gregarious sisters Leah and Chantrelle and their virtuous, bible-loving acquaintance, Hosanna, as they board a cruise ship from Jamaica bound for a new life in Blighty.
Your Movie Library
- Rochelle NeilLeah Whittaker
- Yazmin BeloHosanna Drake
- Saffron CoomberChantrelle Brahms
- Javone PrinceAston Brahms
- Bobby GordonShelton
- Arthur DarvillMr. Wantage
- Amy Beth HayesMrs. Wantage
- Leemore Marrett Jr.Ephraim Whittaker
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