The Robber

    The Robber


    A champion marathoner leads a double life as a serial bank robber, sprinting between fixes (and away from police cavalcades) as many as three times a day.

    Your Movie Library


    • Andreas LustJohann Rettenberger
    • Michael WelzKommissar Welz
    • Franziska WeiszErika
    • Florian WotrubaMarkus Kreczi
    • Johann BednarKommissar Lukas
    • Markus SchleinzerBewährungsbeamter
    • Peter VilnaiAlter Mann
    • Max EdelbacherKommissar Seidl


    • Antihero
      When I heard the plot of this movie and that it's based on true events I got really interested. But the truth is this movie was so boring and with bad acting in my opinion. I couldn't connect with the main character which was the point of this movie I guess...

      Created on 11/19/2012

    Seen by

    • MARTIN
    • Antihero
    • skolpols