Mister Ajikko is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Daisuke Terasawa about a young boy cook. It was later adapted into anime series, produced by TV Tokyo and Sunrise. This show was broadcast from October 8, 1987 to September 28, 1989 with a total of 99 episodes. One of the earliest cooking/battle related manga and anime of its kind, there are some indications that this series is the inspiration for the live action competitive cooking show, Iron Chef.
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- Minami TakayamaYouichi Ajiyoshi
- Chieko HondaMinmin
- Takkô IshimoriBravo Ojisan
- Saeko ShimazuShoukichi
- Takaya HashiRobot Cook Sally
- Kazuhiko InoueTakao Ajiyoshi
- Shozo IizukaChef Marui
- Hochu OtsukaTakao Ajiyoshi
- Mari YokooNoriko
- Yoko KawanamiYamaoka Mitsuko
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