Fantastic Man is a television serialization of the box office film of the same name. The series originally starred by Vic Sotto stars Mark Herras as Fantastic Man with Ryza Cenon as her leading lady-turned sidekick Wena aka Fantastic Girl. The series refurbishes and reintroduces Fantastic Man as a crime-busting superhero. The series lasted for two seasons and had a special episode after the series ended.
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- Mark HerrasFredo / Fantastic Man
- Ryza CenonWena / Fantastic Girl
- Joey MarquezManalo
- Gloria SevillaCedes
- Miguel TanfelixTikboy
- Ariel RiveraDanny / Tadtad
- Jackie RiceHelen
- Cristine ReyesKate / Screamer / Sylvia
- Arci MuñozCandy / Ice Candy
- Paolo ContisTisay
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