Fighting Youth

1 Season - 47 Episodes.
Production ended
Fighting Youth


This tells the story of corporate rookie Zhang Xiao Yu, and how through her extraordinary talent, she manages to earn the appreciation of Lin Rui, the sales division director of a renowned cosmetics company. Lin Rui’s many achievements as the sales director of the cosmetics company, SW, has earned her recognition from SW’s board of directors in France. She is next in line for her boss Shu Wan Ting’s position, but her road to the top hasn't been easy. Unwilling to be replaced, Shu Wan Ting recruits Lin Rui’s rival, Fang Jing, to lead a new department. This is when Zhang Xiao Yu is hired as Lin Rui’s secretary and gets caught up in the messy office politics. Despite everything happening around her, Zhang Xiao Yu manages to blossom as a career woman while also finding her true love.

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  • Wu JinyanZhang Xiao Yu / 章小鱼
  • Yin TaoLin Rui / 林睿
  • Zuo XiaoqingFang Jing / 方静
  • Liu MintaoShu Wan Ting / 舒婉婷
  • Peter HoWen Zhe / 温哲
  • Hong YaoDan Ding / 但丁
  • Zhang TaoJin Xiao Bei / 金小贝
  • Zhang NanLing Xiao Xiao / 凌潇潇
  • Wang XiuzhuDong Xin Ran / 董欣然
  • Zhang SongMao Xiao Feng / 串龙


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