A movie adaptation of Funayama Kaoru's novel of the same name, which depicts the story of a modern youth who is attracted to the evil path. Saburi Shin, a well-known actor who also demonstrated his skill as a director in a bold social work, embodies a person with a complicated dilemma in a shadowy manner, and is a dramatic work that plays a part in the lead role.
Your Movie Library
- Shin SaburiKaji Sosuke
- Isao KimuraIwase Shichiro
- Michiko ŌtsukaKaji Atsuko
- Yaeko MizutaniOsaka Kyoko
- Ichirō ShimizuFukami Kohei
- Zenpei SagaMotokichi Sakakibara
- Masao OdaOsaka Yozaburo
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