Detective Kasino and two of his men, Dono and Indro (played by the Warkop Trio), fail to retrieve a jewel. But the owner, a Japanese man, does not care about it. They are given another task to protect Michiko, who is threatened with kidnap by criminals. In fact, the owner of the jewel wants to trick the insurance company. Michiko asks Dono, who protects her to run away with the jewel he is asked to keep.
Your Movie Library
- DonoDono
- KasinoKasino
- IndroIndro
- Eva ArnazMichiko
- Nenden Medalia SaptariniMs. Penny
- H.I.M. DamsyikHengky
- Avent Christie
- Henky SolaimanHost Acara
- Henky Nero
- Simon P.S.
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