Flaming Brothers

1 Season - 42 Episodes.
Production ended
Flaming Brothers


Lai Siu Tin is the spoilt son of a very rich woman who is not his real mother. Ming Chi Git is the son of Ming Sing, a poor, uneducated woman who came from China. Both of this men would never have known each other if not for the fact that they both share the same mother and father. Set in modern Hong Kong, it is a tale of rivalry, jealousy, bitter hatred of two brothers and their mother who is caught between her love for two sons.

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  • Michael Tao Tai-Yu
  • Kristy Yang
  • Kathy Chow
  • Patrick Tam
  • Deanie Ip
  • Shek Sau
  • Pau Hei-Ching
  • Lawrence Lau Sek-Yin
  • Kristal Tin
  • Lee Siu-Kay


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