Corazón Partido, is a Spanish-language telenovela produced by the United States-based television network Telemundo and Argos Comunicacion. This limited-run series ran for 90 episodes from November 1, 2005 to June 16, 2006. This telenovela was aired in 17 countries around the world.
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- Danna GarcíaAura Echarri Medina
- José Ángel LlamasAdrián Rincón
- Ximena RubioNelly Zambrano
- Khotan FernándezSergio Garza
- Carlos de la MotaGermán Garza
- Saby KamalichVirginia Graham
- Anna CiocchettiFernanda Medina
- Alejandro CalvaRamón Cadena 'El Tanque'
- Carlos Torres TorrijaCésar Echarri #1
- Julio BrachoCésar Echarri #2
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