A hired labourer, Joseph, works on a farm inhabited by Monique, a war widow, and Jeanne, her captivating daughter who longs to escape to the big city.
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- Catherine FrotMonique Gaillard
- Laura SmetJeanne Gaillard, daughter of Monique
- Grégori DerangèreJoseph Gabeur, seasonal farm clerk
- François BerléandMaurice Lecouvey, farmer and mayor
- Mathilde SeignerAngèle, Jeanne's friend
- Isabelle SadoyanPrudence Gaillard, Monique's mother-in-law
- Jean-Paul MoncorgéPaulo Granral, young
- Samuel Le BihanPierre, Jeanne's son
- Jacques SpiesserPaulo Granral adult
- Luc ThuillierJean Hamel
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