The story of the working and personal relationship between the comedians Peter Cook and Dudley Moore, a hugely popular duo in the UK during the 1960s and 1970s. Focusing primarily on Cook, the film traces the pair from their first meeting through their career as part of the Beyond the Fringe review, their television series Not Only... But Also and various other projects before their later estrangement as Moore became a successful Hollywood film star and Cook remained in the UK.
Your Movie Library
- Rhys IfansPeter Cook
- Aidan McArdleDudley Moore
- Jodie RimmerWendy Snowden
- Camilla PowerJudy Huxtable
- Jonathan ArisJonathan Miller
- Alan CoxAlan Bennett
- Josephine DavisonEleanor Bron
- Richard DurdenProctor
- David SterneTeabag
- Derek PayneAudience Member
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