In a small town on the countryside, every young boy is forced to have the same bowl-head haircut known as the "Yoshino-gari" hairstyle. Then one day, a drastic change occurs when a transfer student with bleached hair comes from Tokyo.
Your Movie Library
- Ryo YonedaKeita
- Masako MotaiYoshiko
- Hoshi IshidaYosuke Sakagami
- Shota OkawaYaji
- Ryo MuramatsuKawachin
- Shinnosuke MiyaoGucchi
- Natsuki OkamotoMao Uesugi
- Kazuyuki AsanoYoshino Takeo
- Senri SakuraiGrandpa Mikawa
- Yoshiyuki MorishitaUncle Keke
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