Cheeky Angel is a comedy romance action manga series by Hiroyuki Nishimori. The story revolves around the adventures of 15-year-old schoolgirl Megumi Amatsuka, a popular and beautiful tomboy that always get into fights with a secret: she used to be a boy. Originally a serial in Shōnen Sunday, it has been collected in 20 tankōbon volumes and adapted as a 50-episode anime series. In 2001, the manga won the Shogakukan Manga Award for shōnen.
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- Yuji UedaTasuke Yasuda
- Megumi HayashibaraMegumi Amatsuka
- Kazunari TanakaIchiro Fujiki
- Makiko OhmotoMiki Hanakain
- Naoko MatsuiKeiko Tanaka
- Nobuyuki HiyamaHitomoji Kobayashi
- Wataru TakagiGenzou Soga
- Atsushi KisaichiAota
- Banjo GingaAmatsuka Megumi's father
- Chisato NakajimaNoriko
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