La Otra is a Mexican telenovela that was produced by Televisa and aired on El Canal de las Estrellas from 20 May through 20 September 2002. It aired on Univision in the United States from October 14, 2002 through February 28, 2003. It stars Yadhira Carrillo as both Carlota Guillen Sáenz and Cordelia Portugal, identical strangers whose lives collide upon becoming involved with Álvaro Ibáñez.
"The Best Telenovela of the Year"
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- Yadhira CarrilloCarlota Guillen
- Juan SolerAlvaro Ibáñez
- Jacqueline AndereBernarda Sainz viuda de Guillen
- Sergio SendelAdrián Ibáñez
- Jorge VargasDelfino Arriaga
- Manuel OjedaJuan Pedro Portugal
- Alejandro ÁvilaRomán Guillen
- Eugenio CoboPadre Agustín
- Julio BrachoLázaro Arriaga
- Toño MauriDaniel Mendizábal
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