The story involves four friends who become gangsters. As the film progresses they gain power and eventually find their way to Seoul. Being well-known as tough guys, Audie, Haetae, Lecaf and Gak Granger are high school classmates who took a pledge of brotherhood. Lecaf who is good at studying goes to Seoul right after the high school graduation, while his "brothers" gradually build up their power in the gang and get a chance to go to Seoul.
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- Heo Joon-hoAudie
- Lee Chang-hoonLecaf
- Park Jun-gyuGak Granger
- Lee Won-jongHaetae
- Kim Kap-sooBacchus
- Ahn Suk-hwanF-Killer
- Park Se-beomBosch Boss
- Song Keum-SikPark Boss
- Oh Se-yeongFighter
- Seo Jeong-SuFighter
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