Proinos Kafes was a television daytime show aired by ANT1 in Greece during the period 1991-2009. Though it has received low ratings in the past years, it was one of the longest running and well known shows in Greece. The show consisted of different segments which included fashion shows, game and prizes, interviews, and live music from Greek and foreign artists.
'Proinos Kafes previous hosts': 1991-1994: Roula Koromila, 1994-1995: Popi Chadzidimitriou, 1995-2005: Eleni Menegaki, 2005-2008: Eleonora Meleti 2008-2009 Katerina Zarifi and Nikos Moutsinas 2009 George Lianos and Despoina Kabouri, 2009- Vicky Kaya
Since the start of the show in 1991, the show has toured different parts of Greece including different areas of Athens, Heraklio on the island of Crete, Patras, Thessaloniki and many other places in Greece.
The theme song of Proinos Kafes, was "Kalimera" - a song originally sung by Alexia Vassiliou, also known as, Alexia, in her 1990 album, 'Ela Mia Nyxta'.
Your Movie Library
- Nana PalaitsakiHost (1990)
- Loukia PapadakiHost (1990)
- Roula KoromilaHost (1991-1994)
- Popi HatzidimitriouHost (1994-1995)
- Eleni MenegakiHost (1995-2005)
- Andreas MikroutsikosHost (2002)
- Makis PounetisHost (2005)
- Giota TsimprikidouHost (2005)
- Eleonora MeletiHost (Sep 2005-Mar 2008)
- Giorgos SatsidisHost (Apr 2008-Jun 2008)
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