This story revolves around two lovebirds Chand and Shaheen. There appear to be no complications to the lovebirds marriage, however, Chand is asked to gather together a team to play cricket. Chand's naivety is taken advantage of by a group of terrorists, and ultimately Chand becomes involved with terrorists group, and Police Inspector Chauthe (Sadashiv Amrapurkar) claims that he has sufficient evidence to convict Chand. Shaheen believes Chand is innocent, and sets out to prove his innocence.
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- Akanksha MalhotraShaheen
- Rahul BhatChand
- Nasirr KhanRaj
- Pinky CampbellRohini
- Danny DenzongpaAman Khan
- Parikshat SahniBashir Khan
- Shakti KapoorBaggad Singh
- Mohnish BehlShaukat
- Gulshan GroverGullu
- Johnny LeverJaggi
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