Persuasion is a 1960 British television mini-series adaptation of the Jane Austen novel of the same name. It was produced by the BBC and was directed by Campbell Logan. Daphne Slater stars as Anne Elliot, and Paul Daneman as Captain Frederick Wentworth. The mini-series has four episodes, each about an hour in length.
According to, this mini-series was possibly destroyed in the BBC clean-out of the 1970s.
Your Movie Library
- Jane HardieElizabeth Elliot
- Clare AustinMary Musgrove
- Joyce ChancellorMrs. Harville
- Daphne SlaterAnne Elliot
- George CurzonSir Walter Elliot
- Derek BlomfieldWilliam Elliot
- Paul DanemanFrederick Wentworth
- Diane ClareHenrietta Musgrove
- Jill DixonLouisa Musgrove
- Edward JewesburyCharles Musgrove
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