The Year of the First Kiss

    The Year of the First Kiss


    31 year-old Tristan remembers the time when he was 15 and had just hit puberty. But he is not alone in this, he is with a large group of friends: Specki, a fat kid who is always stuffing himself, Streusel, a cheeky boy covered with spots, Tümai, a pretty Turkish girl, Kerstin, best friend of Tümai and very sporty, Elrond, with a heavy stutter, but regardless extremely popular and good looking, Lars and Simone, so far the only couple in the class who spend most of their time smooching and Long Jana, a girl who is at least 6 foot tall and extremely skinny.

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    • Oliver KorittkeTristan (erwachsen)
    • Max MauffTristan (jung)
    • Thomas DrechselStefan 'Specki'
    • Diane WillemsKerstin
    • Johanna ter SteegeTristans Mutter
    • Claudia NeidigSimones Mutter
    • Christian TascheSimones Vater
    • Jockel TschierschDeutschlehrer
    • Luana BellinghausenSimone
    • Michael GoddeStreusel


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