In this 'sequel' anthology, the film offers a TRANCERS sequel written by original creators Danny Bilson and Paul DeMeo, a new Lovecraft adaptation THE EVIL CLERGYMAN, featuring Jeffrey Combs and Barbara Crampton, and finally a sequel to THE DUNGEONMASTER.
Your Movie Library
- Richard MollMestema (Dungeonmaster sequence)
- Jeffrey ByronPaul Bradford (Dungeonmaster sequence)
- David GaleRat Creature (The Evil Clergyman sequence)
- Velvet RhodesEdlin Shock (archive footage)
- Helen HuntLeena (Trancers sequence)
- David WarnerEvil Clergyman (The Evil Clergyman sequence) (archive footage)
- Barbara CramptonSadie Brady (Evil Clergyman sequence)
- Jeffrey CombsJonathan (Evil Clergyman sequence)
- Una Brandon-JonesLandlady (The Evil Clergyman sequence)
- Tim ThomersonJack Deth (Trancers sequence)
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