Parody tale of notorious Edo-period Robin Hood named Nezumi Kozo (Rat Man), a thief who robs from the rich and showers the money on the poor. In this entry, he's also a drunkard who sometimes forgets why he's broken into the house in the first place. This is especially true if there's a pretty girl to be seduced.
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- Setsuko OgawaOmitsu(おみつ)
- Hiroshi GojoJirokichi(次郎吉)
- Ryuji MoriKinshiro(金四郎)
- Tatsuya HamaguchiKisuke(喜助)
- Keiko MakiConcubine(側室)
- Yuki TakamiOtaka(おたか)
- Yuki Seto中臈
- Keiko Toda
- Michiko KomoriOkin(おきん)
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