A fourteen year old lad discovers his first love at the point of his pencil whilst drawing the portrait of a sickly but coquettish fifteen year old girl. In the neighbourhood an old freedom-fighter pits himself against bad types, a pretty cinema-ticket girl takes to the streets at night and a young anarchist dedicates himself to telling tall stories. Far away, in Shanghai, a hero of the Republic meets a beautiful femme fatal with oriental eyes. Reality and fiction become fused in an embrace.
Your Movie Library
- Fernando TielveDani
- Aida FolchSusana
- Ariadna GilAnita / Chen
- Fernando Fernán GómezCapt. Bay
- Eduard FernándezForcat
- Antonio ResinesKim
- Rosa María SardàBetibú
- Jorge SanzDenis
- Juan José BallestaFinito Chacón
- Cristina DillaMadre Dani
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