Yo amo a Paquita Gallego is a Spanish language television drama series from Colombia which aired in 1998 and 1999. The drama is loosely based on Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet. It features the typical love-hate scenarios found in television soap operas. The drama starred Cristina Umaña, Andres Juan and Victoria Gongora.
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- Olga Lucía LozanoDoña Vicky
- Cristina UmañaPaquita Gallego / Adela
- Andrés Juan HernándezAndrés Hidalgo Bedoya
- Victoria GóngoraRina Marcela Noriega de Hidalgo
- Marcela CarvajalSoledad Gallego
- Margalida CastroAunt Chavela
- Rosa Virginia BonillaEtelvina
- Angélica BlandónAlejandro Olmo's fan
- Juan Pablo ShukKennet Martin
- Jaime SeguraHugo Torres
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