Flight with the Astronaut

    Flight with the Astronaut


    The purposeful village guy is indifferent to entertainment, but strictly follows the daily schedule, studies languages and exact sciences. There are two goals in his life - to become an astronaut and win the heart of his former classmate.

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      • Valeri ShalnykhБрусничкин
      • Natalya YegorovaМарина
      • Tatyana YegorovaЛюба
      • Nikolay GlinskiyИгорь
      • Mikhail Brylkinпредседатель колхоза
      • Leonid Markovначальник милиции
      • Alla Meshcheryakovaмать Брусничкина
      • Anatoli Gorbenkoотец Брусничкина
      • Ivan Yekaterinichevзаведующий фермой
      • Igor Kashintsevпредставитель Стройтреста


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