Kadhalar Dhinam

    Kadhalar Dhinam


    Two college students, the slum child Raja and the dean's daughter Roja, chat with each other over the Internet and fall in love. However, Roja is engaged and Raja cannot bear to disrespect her father, to whom he owes his livelihood.

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      • Kunal SinghRaja
      • Sonali BendreRoja
      • NassarDean Ramachandra
      • Periyar DasanPeriyar Dasan
      • RagasudhaRoja's friend
      • Ganesh AravindRaja's friend
      • Manivannanthe man talking with Raja in railway station
      • GoundamaniRomeo
      • Chinni JayanthMandi
      • RambhaSpecial Appearance (for song Oh Mariya)


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