A humanity student, Lucien is active in various extracurricular activities. Recognized by his peers, he represents other students in their challenge of college rules and the settlement of the fate of an incompetent professor. He ends up being thrown out of the school. After his mother's death, even though he dates Lise, a young woman with whom he does acting, he has to resist the advances of a homosexual whose death he will accidentally cause.
Your Movie Library
- Lucien HamelinLucien Charette
- Louise RémyLise
- Percy RodriguezLe policier noir
- Henry TrumblayLe confident de Lucien
- Yves Corbeill'étudiant metteur en scène
- Roland Chenailpère de Lucien
- Gilbert ChénierMike
- Yvon Deschamps
- Jean Duceppele bon samaritain
- Camille Ducharmel'homosexuel
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